Saturday, April 10, 2010

It's Spring, But I'm Not Bouncy Yet

The temperatures around here have been up and so has my enthusiasm about the change of seasons. April must be about the prettiest month of all around these parts. The blue hyacinths, the little purple grape hyacinths, the white blossoms on the ornamental pear trees, the purplish-pink of the red bud trees, the pink or white of the dogwood trees, the blossoms on the creeping phlox, the daffodils and buttercups in their last stages of bloom, and the various colors of the palette showing on all the tulips prove my point. I'd be loading this blog up with pictures if I could get the energy to go out and play photographer. But alas, you must just take my word for all the beauty that surrounds me. I hope you are also so blessed, or soon will be if you haven't already been.

Two weeks ago I got hit by a virus that announced its presence with a severe headache on Sunday and delivered a runny nose, sore throat, and chest congestion as it unpacked its bags on Monday in anticipation of a long stay. But even now that it has packed back up and moved elsewhere I find remnants of things it left behind. Things like fatigue and muscle aches.

I haven't stopped doing things. On the contrary, I've kept up a pretty busy schedule in spite of it. But I have stopped blogging about the things I've been doing. It has taken quite an effort just to get through a day. I guess I got a respite of sorts because here I am blogging again. Maybe this means better things ahead.

So don't write me off as "gone" just yet. I've got lots of exciting adventures ahead of me and I can't wait to share them with you. I also can't wait to get back to reading your blogs again to see what you've been up to the last few weeks.

And if you're my Facebook friend (yes, I can be found there, too) now you know why you haven't heard from me there much either.

But it is Spring again and I'm ready to get moving! Just hold on a moment while I go take a couple of aspirin and another decongestant.

Let the bouncing begin!


  1. I'm glad your unwelcome visitor has left! Hope you're feeling better soon! God bless!

  2. I noticed you'd been quiet for awhile! Glad to hear your unwelcome visitor took a hike! Let's hope he stays gone, too! See you soon! Don't forget your laptop.....if you are feeling up to it, that is! ;)

  3. I'm glad you're feeling better. Maybe I'll give you a ring on the phone tomorrow and catch up!


Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)