Saturday, April 24, 2010

Our Mission

On Thursday evening we arrived in the Dallas - Fort Worth area where we had a couple of appointments that evening and Friday.

  1. The first appointment was to meet friends for dinner at a local restaurant. Some of the expected participants were not able to participate. Some were "Providentially hindered" and one just stayed home. Since our friend secured the reservations he knew that his wife and children were hindered by strep throat (the Providentially hindered parties). What he didn't know was that The Bear had opted to stay home this trip. Everyone adapted, me as well, as I unexpectedly found myself sharing dinner with 3 Baptist preachers. Well, if nothing else I got a good steak dinner out of it. (I'm kidding! I'm kidding! I'm not a total ignoramus when it comes to theological discussions. Just a partial one!) :)
  2. The second was to meet folks at the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary who were to show Pastor Dad books to help him do research for a peer lecture that he is giving in August. The professor cancelled but the large campus library provided plenty of fodder. I served as research assistant on this project: securing promising tomes and perusing same for tidbits. And in the down-time I was able to do my own research via my laptop on a subject of more interest to me (Duh! Genealogy!) I do not consider time in a library to be boring.

As we walked around campus we encountered the following signs everywhere. I thought they aptly stated what our mission is on this trip. Although we've had some time of rest and research, the fact that by the time the 12 1/2 days of this trip have ended, Pastor Dad will have preached 6 sermons.

We're leaving now for our next destination. I would say that I'll post more later, but I'm not sure I'll have access to the Internet. The host pastor has a computer but I'm not sure if the guest apartment does. I made the comment that I'd need to find a McD or something and Pastor Dad commented that the town might not have one. So until further notice, this is me signing off!


  1. Sounds like you are enjoying an invigorating time! Blessings and be safe!

  2. I would find it hard to believe that even he remotest of towns would not have a McD's! Wifi might be the challenge, however!


Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)