Saturday, January 2, 2010

Fudging on the Resolutions

"Haste makes waist." That's one of my new mottoes. It isn't misspelled either, so the Grammar Police need not write me any tickets for improper homonym usage.

This new motto of mine covers a little problem I have with the ol' New Year's resolutions, specifically the one pertaining to dieting. There was quite a bit of fudge left from the holidays because - try as I might - (and try I did!) I was not able to finish it all before the calendar turned to 2010. So here I am with diet-busting fudge in the house. Oh, and eggnog, too.

I'm eating and drinking it s-l-o-w-ly. Think of that Pepperidge Farm Milano Cookie commercial with the baby floating in the pool while savoring every bite. That's me, except the only ones in this region floating in pools are the polar bears at the zoo. But the savoring part pertains.

And although I am well aware that it is going to "waist" there ain't gonna be any of it going to "waste" so don't even suggest such a horrible thing!

The leftover fudge and eggnog have caused me to adapt a second motto, too. "Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we diet." Just not today. Or yesterday. Or any day where there is fudge and eggnog in the house.


  1. You know, we totally forgot about getting eggnog this year and only thought about it when Christmas was over. You can have all the fudge! Everything that was going to be a downfall for me I gave to grands for their journey home! Now we just have regular food in the house, but even that won't help me with my waist. I just can't exercise enough anymore - get too much pain.

    All the best with your resolutions!

  2. AMEN to everything you said! I hate the "waist" but I hate to "waste" even more!


Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)