Words. They are so important. Without them we would be seriously hampered in our communication. Without them no one would know our thoughts or intentions.
Jesus said that there are people who honor him with their lips but their hearts remain far from him (Matt. 15:8,9). He also said that the words that come out of our mouths can show just how defiled our hearts are (Matt. 15:18, 19).
The disciples did not always understand these principles. A good example would be when they asked questions about who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven, possibly with the hope that Jesus would brag on them. Jesus answered by setting a small child in front of them (Matt. 18:1-6). Just one chapter later those same disciples rebuked the people who brought small children to see Jesus. They had already forgotten His object lesson.
Day after day the disciples saw God-in-the-flesh and listened to His words but they failed to take His teaching to heart. They weren't so different from their ancestors, the Children of Israel, who received instruction from God in the wilderness.
After giving the Law to the Israelites, God reaffirmed His covenant with them. This was the same covenant that He'd made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. It was important that they hear the same words directly from the mouth of God. When they heard they responded by promising obedience as their part of the bargain. These people didn't just hear God, but they saw Him, too! (Ex. 24:1-10) Even though we haven't read that far yet, we know that it will not be too many days after this amazing event that the people will forget the words of their promise and will break the covenant.
How very like them I am! I see God through His Word, I hear His commandments, and in response I make commitments to be obedient only to break my promise. Thankfully, the same God who kept the Abrahamic covenant by bringing the undeserving Israelites into the Promised Land kept His promise by bringing undeserving me into the Promised Land of salvation.
This week we will finish Exodus and Matthew. We are moving along in our goal of reading through the Bible this year.
I pray that you see God and hear His words clearly this week as you read His Word. And if something you read blesses your heart feel free to share it with me either by leaving a comment or sending me an email at
Have a blessed week!
Schedule for February 8-14, 2010Monday, February 8th
Exodus 31, 32
Matthew 22, 23
Tuesday, February 9thExodus 33, 34
Matthew 24, 25
Wednesday, February 10thExodus 35, 36
Matthew 26
Thursday, February 11thExodus 37, 38
Matthew 27
Friday, February 12thExodus 39, 40
Matthew 28
Saturday, February 13thLeviticus 1-3
Mark 1
Sunday, February 14th
No reading. Use the day to finish any that were missed.
(Spend some time today reflecting on your eternal Valentine, God, Who loved you so much that He gave His only begotten Son so that He can spend forever with you. Love doesn't get any better than that!)