Friday, November 26, 2010

Local Genealogical Researcher Available

I often do genealogy research for others. Until recently, this has been as an unpaid volunteer helping people obtain membership in lineage societies. This experience has been mutually beneficial both to the 50+ individuals whom I have helped and also to me as I have become more familiar with local resources. Now I am available to assist clients with research specific to the Cincinnati/Hamilton County, Ohio area.

Research will be done contractually at an hourly rate. There is a minimum retainer equal to a 2-hour fee. There is no extra charge for copies or the postage to mail them. The minimum deposit must be paid in advance. Additional hours will be billed separately with the client stipulating on the contract the maximum number of hours he is willing to finance.

Research is limited to the following repositories:
  • The Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County (including newspaper microfilm)
  • University of Cincinnati Blegen Library (which contains the regional archives)
  • Probate Court (marriage records)

Each of the above facilities offers limited services. Some or all charge a nominal fee for copies. You are encouraged to contact them first to see if you can obtain what you require directly. If it is determined that you need additional assistance please contact me at for more details. The email consultation is free, but specific questions pertaining to services offered by the above research facilities will be ignored.

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Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)