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Does God issue any commands in this passage?
- (20:1-6) God told Joshua to set apart cities of refuge for the person who accidentally killed another person.
- (21:1-2) The Levites reminded Joshua of God's command to give them cities and suburbs for their own dwellings and pastureland within the tribes' inheritance. These included the cities of refuge.
Does God make any promises?
- God does not speak, but the division of the land was a fulfillment of the previous promise of God to give the land to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Even the designated cities of refuge were a fulfillment of a former promise.
Does this passage teach anything about Jesus?
- Jesus is our city of refuge. We run to Him because we are guilty of sins, even unintentional ones. We are guilty of bloodshed from birth (we are the cause of Jesus' blood needing to be shed).
- Jesus is also our high priest who died to set us free from the penalty of our action.
Does this passage teach anything about yet-future events?
- None that I identified.
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Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)