When I was speaking with my daughter, Lulu, by phone the other day she reminded me of something that happened several years ago when she was engaged to Dan. It is not a pleasant anniversary but one that serves as a reminder of a valuable lesson God taught me.
On that Saturday in February, Lulu and one of her bridesmaids were going to a bridal show downtown. Pastor Dad and I had gone to church to meet with others who were going out to invite people to attend church.
Most everyone else had just left to make their visits when the church phone rang. I answered it. What I heard chilled my heart. Lulu and her friend had been in a wreck about 30 minutes earlier. Lulu was the passenger in the car driven by her friend. Their car had been hit head-on by a speeding passenger truck when its young driver had crossed the center line while passing cars on a curve. The policeman could not tell me anything about Lulu's condition. All he knew was that she was still alive when the ambulance left the scene.
Pastor Dad and I practically flew to that hospital but even as fast as we were going I don't ever remember a drive taking so long. When we arrived they would not give us any information because she was over the age of 18. We told them that if she was dead we were the next of kin to be notified so they better find someone to talk to us quickly. Pastor Dad also had his hospital clergy badge that allows him access to church members but he didn't want to use it before knowing what he would find. It is one thing to be a pastor making a consolation call and quite another to need one yourself.
After awhile, a doctor came out to talk to us. He said they were checking her for internal and head injuries and that she had some nasty cuts on her legs and feet that were going to need to be repaired. We were to wait for further updates and to stand ready to sign surgical release forms.
Her friend's parents were in the waiting room with us. Every so often the nurses would tell them that they could go back to be with their daughter because she was asking for them. No one came for us. When we asked if Lulu knew we were there they just shrugged in a noncommittal way. Our patience wore thin that afternoon while we waited to see our daughter.
After several more hours, (yes, hours) a nurse told us that Lulu had no internal bleeding and that all of her injuries were the type that would be fixed through stitches and plastic surgery. We finally were able to go back to see her about 4 hours after the wreck.
Of the three young people in the wreck she was the one with the least serious injuries but hers were serious enough. As it turned out, she was able to go home with us that night. She spent the next weeks using crutches and wheelchairs. We were so thankful for God's mercies.
God taught me a tremendous lesson that day. I had been fretting about Lulu's upcoming marriage. At that time Dan was completing USAF tech school and thought he might be receiving orders to go to South Korea. That meant Lulu would be moving halfway across the world. How would she cope? How would we cope? I could hardly bear the thought. Such a distance would mean that we would probably only see her every couple of years or so. What if she needed us? Besides the fact that I would miss her terribly I was concerned for her safety.
That day God spoke to my heart and said, "Don't you think you can completely turn her over to me now? There isn't anywhere in this world where she can go that I won't be there protecting her. You, on the other hand, couldn't even keep her safe less than ten miles from home. Trust Me."
Whenever I start feeling fretful I remember this wreck and what a poor protector I am. Then I turn my children back over to the One who holds them safely in His hands.
What a day. Hard to believe it's been five years!
ReplyDeleteI had a friend ask me when Justin left and I was fretting over it if I thought the God in KY would be the same one in OH. I said of course and she said he watches over him now and he will then. I quit fretting. At least outwardly. :-) It's so hard to let go. I am glad he's back in KY though. :-) You just don't know until it happens to you. But God is a big God and he's everywhere watching over us.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the encouragement.
My oldest will be going back to college in the fall. He has left 2 times before, once for college and then once to serve a mission for our church. The difference being that I knew he would be coming back to our home at the end of a certain period of time. This time I know he will be making his own life, finding a girl to make his wife and heading off to parts unknown. It will not be the same next time he comes home. But, I trust him and I trust in a Heavenly Father who will take care of him.
ReplyDeleteThank you for reminding me!!
Thank you for sharing this memory. Sometimes the hard ones are the ones that really bring us closer to God and make us think. I'm glad your daughter is doing well now.
ReplyDeleteA memory that you learned from....nice!
ReplyDeleteWow...what a story! Praise God she was alright! Car wrecks are so scary. I've never really been in one, but they're a constant fear of mine. God certainly does teach us to trust through events such as those though.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing!
Oh, letting go. Only into God hands can I place my precious daughters and KNOW His will will be done!
ReplyDeleteThank you!
Pamela in TX
Whoa, what a scary experience! Isn't God amazing though? He takes those moments and creates something truly beautiful from them. Your right, it's so important for us to surrender our lives completely to him - and the lives of those we love. We aren't capable...He is! Praise God for his loving and perfect care.
ReplyDeleteMy mother lost her right arm in a car accident when she only had one of us four children.
ReplyDeleteThe evidence of what a car accident could do to someone was always there for me to look at.
I get nervous in cars,...and I always have, and I think the fact that my mom almost died in one, and did lose her arm, is the reason I am that way. I pray about this alot and try to turn my fears over to Him.
BUT,...I am also a Christian and I KNOW that God is always with me,...and no matter what,.. He will never leave me. I think I am not afraid to die but just don't want to be injured,...if that makes any sense.
We have lost three grandchildren and I know that God can get a person through anything if they will walk the path with Him. As humans we just tend to forget His strength sometimes.
The bond between parents and children is strong, and it is hard to let go sometimes and just let God watch over them. But we must do this, because ultimately they belong to Him,...He has just loaned them to us! (:>)
Thanks for your post. You are a blessing.
Wow, praise God for His protection over your daughter. What a long wait that must have been?!
ReplyDeleteOh...what a message...we can so trust our God who is able to care for the needs of our children and protect them better than we can. He is faithful. Thank you for sharing this...I'm so glad He kept your daughter safe that day, and that He spoke comfort to your heart.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad your daughter is fully recovered! God is good whether he spares someone's life and even when He takes it. God was really testing all our faith 3-4 years ago in a way it had not been tested before. Our son's fiancee, Amy, and her year old baby girl died together in a car crash just a few weeks before the wedding. They were on a bad stretch of highway in OH and it had started raining as she was driving home that evening. Out of that horrible tragedy, God drew everyone involved into a greater dependence on Him. He was the ONE who sustained, comforted, and ultimately healed. God has blessed our son with another wonderful wife. They've been married two years now and are such a witness to God's grace, mercy and love.
ReplyDeleteHE will provide the strength we need when we need it!
Thank goodness that your daughter was okay! I think God just used your post to speak to me! I have been having a really hard time with fearing death of another loved one after losing my Mom. I think what the Lord said to you, He is saying to me now through your post. I have wasted so much time trying to be in control and worrying when I'm not, when He is the one in control. I have got to learn to turn it over to Him and have complete faith that He knows best.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much....your post has blessed me!
Thank you for sharing. I can only imagine what those 4 hours were like for you and your husband.